Paul Selbst, poet

Paul reads poems from  his book, Word Songs, published last December-available on Amazon. Paul is a lecturer at OLLI at Temple University, Philadelphia.  Click HERE to view

Knowing but not caring

about the flaws in the script.
Feeling gripped by the crowd.

Laughing out loud at the corn,
the actor winking, looking forlorn,

mugging while seeming sad.
And I, one of the crowd,

watching myself being glad.

Poetry can serve as a time-out from today’s frenetic existence and be a balm for the soul. In a collection of poems, stories, and song lyrics penned over a lifetime, Paul Selbst shares expressive insight into his journey through a myriad of diverse experiences.

From youthful passion and exuberance to mature reflection and insight, Selbst offers poems, song lyrics, and stories in verse that reflect on wisdom, joy, love, friendship, loss, and life itself. Within his diverse selection chosen from a larger body of work, Selbst explores the deeper thoughts, musings, and implications surrounding his observations and experiences, addresses the high, low, and searching spirit, reflects on both young and old love, and much more.

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